Sunday, June 26, 2011

SSS Snows Heat

In honor of Snow's Heat release this past Friday I am going to do a 6 from that! I hope you enjoy!

She pushed up into a sitting position and listened again before groaning louder.
Wouldn’t it just figure that some backwoods idiot was up at this hour and thought since
they were everyone else should be too? She clambered to her feet before starting for the
front door. If this were just a neighborly meet and greet, they would not like the
greeting they were about to get! She pulled open the door, fully aware she had
bedhead, her breath stank of the wine from the night before and she was pretty sure she
still had those annoying sleep marks on her face mere humans got—ones she never saw
in the movies. But what stood on her porch was enough to make the woman in her perk
up and come to attention before hanging her head in shame at the way she looked, even
if he was way younger than she was.

If you are interested in buying Snow's Heat you can find it at:
Amazon HERE
All Romance HERE
Summerhouse Publishing HERE

And if you want to read more 6Sentence Sundays you can find links HERE


  1. Okay, now I want his description. :) A very intriguing six!

  2. Congrats on the release, Nicole xx WOOT and nice choice for six -- Jessica, this dude is HAWT!

  3. Ha! Typical, isn't it? Great snippet!
